The official website of Sam Sidders
Showcasing his Two-Dimensional Art and a sampling of his Kaleidoscopes!

S. & E. is also proud to present a selection of the fine products of
Oklahoma Bladesmith, Lee Reeves -

"Oklahoma Living" magazine did a feature article about Sam and his kaleidoscopes

Sam's paintings can also be viewed at the following locations:

(click on these links to visit Sam's personal pages on these fine websites)

Another website developed by S.& E. Enterprises
Another website developed by S.& E. Enterprises

All Photos on this website are © copyrighted and may not
 be used in  whole or in part without the consent of:
S&E Enterprises,  Rt. 1 Box 72a,  Gage, Oklahoma    73843

  Individual photos on this website are ©copyrighted and are the property of S.& E. Enterprises or other  individual artists, craftsmen or businesses represented on this website. No photos or graphics may be reproduced without consent.
 report any broken links or other errors.
Thank You!