Invites you to view
his artwork at one (or more)
of the following locations:
44th Annual
Community Celebration of the Arts
June 2nd. & 3rd., 2007
Wilson Park, Arkansas City, KS

(Sam's work was awarded the 1st. place ribbon and prize in two-dimensional art)
(Click on the PrairieFest Logo for more info on the 2007 show)
Solo Exhibit of Sam's watercolor paintings
August 18th. 2007 evening (4:30 pm until ?)
Lipscomb, TX.
Paintings, Drawings & Kaleidoscopes            
Click the Baloon for mor e Information
Arts Festival Oklahoma ~ Oklahoma City, OK.
(August 31st. - Sept. 3rd.)
South Oklahoma City Community College Campus
7400 South May Ave.
Festival at the Farm
September 22nd. 2007
Break O'Day Farm & Metcalfe Museum
Rt. 1 Box 25 - Durham, OK. 73642
Call 580 655-4467 for information and directions to the farm.
or your can visit the museum website by clicking here:
Many of Sam's original paintings, drawings and kaleidoscopes are on display
in his studio, as well as a large selection of Giclee prints.
Call or Email for an appointment to visit
"Sam's Place"
or more information about any of the listed exhibits
(580)923-7694                                   email:
To receive personal notification of future exhibits of Sam's work,
please on this button
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