Invites you to view
his artwork at one (or more)
of the following locations:
44th Annual
Community Celebration of the Arts
June 2nd. & 3rd., 2007
Wilson Park, Arkansas City, KS
(Sam's work was awarded the 1st. place ribbon and prize in two-dimensional art)
(Click on the PrairieFest Logo for more info on the 2007 show)
Solo Exhibit of Sam's watercolor paintings
August 18th. 2007 evening (4:30 pm until ?)
Lipscomb, TX.
Paintings, Drawings & Kaleidoscopes
Click the Baloon for mor e Information
Arts Festival Oklahoma ~ Oklahoma City, OK.
(August 31st. - Sept. 3rd.)
South Oklahoma City Community College Campus
7400 South May Ave.
Festival at the Farm
September 22nd. 2007
Break O'Day Farm & Metcalfe Museum
Rt. 1 Box 25 - Durham, OK. 73642
Call 580 655-4467 for information and directions to the farm.
Many of Sam's original paintings, drawings and kaleidoscopes are on display
in his studio, as well as a large selection of Giclee prints.
Call or Email for an appointment to visit
"Sam's Place"
or more information about any of the listed exhibits
To receive personal notification of future exhibits of Sam's work,
please on this button
Thank you!