Two-Dimensional Art
by Sam Sidders
Two-Dimensional Art
Sam categorizes his two-dimensional work into the following 3 basic groups:
(click on the images below to view more photos and information)
People, Places & Things
Landscapes, Still Life & More!
Depictions of places & things that Sam found interesting.
These works utilize pure shapes and colors to produce a pleasing composition. They have no intentional subject, however, they sometimes suggest something recognizable to the viewer.
Esoteric Flummery
Fantasy & Fun

The subjects and styles of Sam's two-dimensional work can best be described as "Varied". He has laughingly said that he is, "confused and has yet to find his direction". His three children, who are all fans of different styles of his work, tease him about having multiple personalities when it comes to his art. He enjoys painting and drawing landscapes of places that he is familiar with or has visited. Sam also enjoys doing character studies that are usually composite works inspired by people that he has known rather than being representative of a specific individual. He also likes to practice his skills in composition and design by doing works with absolutely no subject mater, working instead with only shapes and color. Sam refers to this form as his "non-objective" style and says that it is the most difficult yet most rewarding style that he works in. Then there is the "whimsical" side of his art that he calls, "Esoteric Flummery". This style is more evident in his drawings, but occasionally shows up in his paintings as well. The subjects for his whimsical works range from fantasy studies of nonexistent times or places to surrealistic objects or situations that can only be found in his mind.

Sam's paintings can also be viewed at the following locations:
(click on these links to visit Sam's personal pages on these fine websites)
© All Prints on this page are from original Artwork by Sam Sidders
All Photos on this website are ©copyrighted and may not
be used in whole or in part without the consent of:
S&E Enterprises, Rt. 1 Box 72a, Gage, Oklahoma 73893